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System Engineering-Ansicht

Pflichtmodul Wahlbereich
Spezialisierungsbereich Anzahl Semesterwochenstunden CP Angeboten in jedem
V Ü S P Proj. Anzahl
Semiotik digitaler Medien (deleted:Sun Jun 20 16:05:20 +0200 2010)
0 0 0 0 0 0 6 i. d. R. angeboten alle 2 Jahre
        Berechnung des Workloads
Vorgesehenes Semester ab 1. Semester

(Da der Kurs auch für M.Sc. Digital Media und dort in Englisch angeboten wird, sind die Ziele und Inhalte auf Englisch formuliert)

  • Understanding the basic theoretical concepts of the sign as a triadic and recursive relation, and of semiosis as the dynamic existence of signs, mainly as in Peircean theory.
  • Gaining an overview of the history of semiotics with its contradictions and methodical development.
  • Understanding the differences between prominent semiotic approaches (de Saussure, Peirce, and Bühler), and how they influence the theoretical foundations of computing.
  • Gaining insight into the new concept of an algorithmic sign, and in consequence of human-computer interaction as a semiotic coupling, of the computer as the semiotic machine, of software as a complex sign, and of executing programs as a sign process, thus becoming aware of the usefulness of applying semiotics to software processes.
  • Learning to apply semiotics to matters of interaction design.
  • Gaining first experience with the difference of nterpretation & construction, resp. hermeneutic & rationalistic methods.


  • The naive approach to signs in everyday life
  • The theoretical concepts of de Saussure, Peirce, Bühler, Eco
  • Syntactics, semantics, pragmatics
  • History of semiotics
  • The relation of media, signs, and human activities
  • Early semiotic approaches to software
  • The concept of algorithmic sign, its semioses, and software as algorithmic sign
  • Computing science as computational semiotics, computer as instrumental medium
  • Current trends of media

(Wie aus dieser Inhaltsübersicht deutlich wird, sind die theoretisch/methodischen Grundlagen der Semiotik der wesentliche Vertiefungsaspekt dieses Moduls.)


vorzugsweise ein längeres Essay zu einem anspruchsvollen Thema mit Vortrag und Verteidigung

Dokumente (Skripte, Programme, Literatur, usw.)

[1] Peter Bøgh Andersen & Frieder Nake, Computers and signs [2] Daniel Chandler, Semiotics – the basics [3] Umberto Eco, A theory of semiotics [4] Winfried Nöth, Handbook of semiotics [5] Charles S. Peirce, The essential Peirce (Peirce edition project)

Lehrende: Prof. Dr. F. Nake N. N. Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. F. Nake N. N.

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