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Real-time Operating Systems Development

Real-time Operating Systems Development
Wahl Basis Ergänzung
Zugeordnet zu Masterprofil
Basis Ergänzung
Sicherheit und Qualität
KI, Kognition, Robotik
Digitale Medien und Interaktion
Modulbereich : Praktische und Technische Informatik
Modulteilbereich : 702 Betriebssysteme
Anzahl der SWS
V UE K S Prak. Proj.
2 2 0 0 0 0 4
Kreditpunkte : 6 Turnus

every year

Formale Voraussetzungen : Keine
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen : Good programming skills in C are mandatory. A thorough understanding of basic operating systems concepts is very helpful for this lecture.
Vorgesehenes Semester : ab 1. Semester
Sprache : Englisch
Ziele :


1) know how to program a real-time application from scratch on “bare-metal”, that is, WITHOUT a supporting operating systems

2) know how to design an elegant real-time operating system kernel from scratch

3) understand the right balance between architectural beauty and optimised performance

4) know about basic benchmarks assessing the real-time capabilities of an RTOS

5) know how to do practical real-time application programming and RTOS development from scratch on a simple ARM-based computer architecture (BeagleBone Black)

Inhalte :


1) Bare-metal programming on BeagleBode Black boards using the Code Composer Studio development environment (Eclipse-based)

2) The State Machine programming paradigm with cooperative multi-tasking, scheduling, watchdog monitor

3) Periodic time-controlled activities

4) Simple context switching: Programming user threads and associated schedulers

5) Inspiration from micro kernels: RTOS architecture with communication channels and ports

6) Filtered and prioritised real-time port handling

7) Real-time synchronisation mechanisms

8) Time-triggered versus event-based RTOS paradigms

9) RTOS Benchmarks

Unterlagen (Skripte, Literatur, Programme usw.) :
  • Wang, K.C. Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51517-5_2. Springer 2017.

  • Kopetz, H. Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications. Second edition. Springer 2011.

  • Walls, C. Building a Real-Time Operating system. Rtos from the ground up. Elsevier Science & Technology 2007.

  • Cooling, J. Real-time Operating Systems Book 1. The Theory. Lindentree Associates, 2017.

  • Cooling, J. Real-time Operating Systems Book 2. The Practice. Lindentree Associates, 2017.

Form der Prüfung : Oral module examination or Exercises and oral technical discussion (Fachgespräch)
Präsenz 0
Übungsbetrieb/Prüfungsvorbereitung 180
Summe 180 h
Lehrende: Jan Peleska Verantwortlich Jan Peleska

Zeige Systems Engineering-Format Pdf_icon Wirtschaftsinformatik-Format Pdf_icon Informatik-Format Pdf_icon Digitale Medien-Format Pdf_icon