Modulhandbuch Modulliste (Bachelor) - Modulliste (Master) - Modulkataloge - Personalisierter Modulkatalog - Impressum - Feedback Login mit OpenID
Modulnummer |
Modulbezeichnung |
Real-time Operating Systems Development |
Titel (englisch) |
Real-time Operating Systems Development |
Pflicht/Wahl |
Pflicht |
Erklärung |
CP |
6 |
Berechnung des Workloads |
Turnus |
every year |
Dauer |
ein Semester |
Form |
2 SWS L, 2 SWS T |
Prüfung |
Oral module examination or Exercises and oral technical discussion (Fachgespräch) |
Anforderungen |
Keine |
Lernziele |
Students 1) know how to program a real-time application from scratch on “bare-metal”, that is, WITHOUT a supporting operating systems 2) know how to design an elegant real-time operating system kernel from scratch 3) understand the right balance between architectural beauty and optimised performance 4) know about basic benchmarks assessing the real-time capabilities of an RTOS 5) know how to do practical real-time application programming and RTOS development from scratch on a simple ARM-based computer architecture (BeagleBone Black) |
Lerninhalte |
. 1) Bare-metal programming on BeagleBode Black boards using the Code Composer Studio development environment (Eclipse-based) 2) The State Machine programming paradigm with cooperative multi-tasking, scheduling, watchdog monitor 3) Periodic time-controlled activities 4) Simple context switching: Programming user threads and associated schedulers 5) Inspiration from micro kernels: RTOS architecture with communication channels and ports 6) Filtered and prioritised real-time port handling 7) Real-time synchronisation mechanisms 8) Time-triggered versus event-based RTOS paradigms 9) RTOS Benchmarks |
Quellen |
Sprache |
Englisch |
Bemerkung |
Zuletzt geändert |
2018-03-28 07:15:53 UTC |
Zeige Systems Engineering-Format Wirtschaftsinformatik-Format Informatik-Format Digitale Medien-Format