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System Engineering-Ansicht

Pflichtmodul Wahlbereich
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V Ü S P Proj. Anzahl
E-Commerce Management
2 2 0 0 0 4 6 every winter term
E-Commerce Management         Berechnung des Workloads
Vorgesehenes Semester ab 1. Semester

  • Ability to define different types e-commerce systems and to describe their major business and revenue models

  • Ability to understand e-commerce strategies and to describe the process of e-commerce strategy (re-)definition and implementation

  • Ability to understand the legal, social, ethical and business environments within which e-commerce operates

  • Ability to relate technical infrastructure and support services like payment and security to e-commerce implementation

  • Ability to identify and describe factors for e-commerce success

  • Ability to describe social networks, virtual worlds, and social software as facilitators of social e-commerce

  • Ability to elaborate and present a deeper understanding of e-commerce strategies and technologies at an academic level


  • E-commerce business models and strategies

  • Marketplace analysis for e-commerce

  • Regulatory, ethical and social environments of e-commerce

  • E-commerce infrastructure

  • E-marketing and customer relationship management

  • E-commerce security

  • E-commerce payment systems

  • Mobile and social e-commerce


presentations, written paper (individually and/or in small groups)

Dokumente (Skripte, Programme, Literatur, usw.)

  • Chaffey (2011): E-Business and E-Commerce Management

  • Jelassi & Enders (2008): Strategies for E-Business

  • Turban et al. (2012): Electronic Commerce 2012

Lehrende: Prof. Dr. J. Pöppelbuß Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. J. Pöppelbuß

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