Modulhandbuch Modulliste (Bachelor) - Modulliste (Master) - Modulkataloge - Personalisierter Modulkatalog - Impressum - Feedback Login mit OpenID
Modulnummer |
M-MI/4 |
Modulbezeichnung |
Current Topics in Human Computer Interaction |
Titel (englisch) |
Current Topics in Human Computer Interaction |
Pflicht/Wahl |
Wahl |
Erklärung |
CP |
6 |
Berechnung des Workloads |
Turnus |
i. d. R. angeboten in jedem SoSe |
Dauer |
ein Semester |
Form |
4 SWS K |
Prüfung |
Hausarbeit, Präsentation und Fachgespräch oder mündliche Prüfung |
Anforderungen |
Mensch-Technik Interaktion |
Lernziele |
Lerninhalte |
“From GUI to NUI” : After having achieved a general overview of the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), learn more on the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and especially post-desktop interfaces. Work together in small teams on a semester-long project. Each week, in the labs, present and discuss work with peers. In the lab develop your own concept of a NUI and document it in a research paper. The course will start with a brief re-cap on design principles (Fitts’ law, Norman: affordances, mappings, constraints, slips, seven stages of action) and processes (Design Process, Evaluation & Statistical Testing) in HCI. The main focus will be on the properties and characteristics of so called post-desktop or natural user interfaces (NUI), including but not limited to: Touch & Mobile Tangibles AR / VR / MR Deformable Interfaces Wearable Interfaces |
Quellen |
Sprache |
Englisch |
Bemerkung |
Zuletzt geändert |
2018-03-27 11:39:13 UTC |
Zeige Systems Engineering-Format Wirtschaftsinformatik-Format Informatik-Format Digitale Medien-Format