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System Engineering-Ansicht

Pflichtmodul Wahlbereich
Spezialisierungsbereich Anzahl Semesterwochenstunden CP Angeboten in jedem
V Ü S P Proj. Anzahl
Introduction to System Identification
2 1 0 0 0 3 4 in der Regel in jedem SoSe
Introduction to System Identification         Berechnung des Workloads
Vorgesehenes Semester ab 1. Semester

  • To understand the basic system identification process, which involves a combination of model selection, data analysis, and noise assumptions.

  • To acquire a knowledge of several system identification techniques, and to understand when each method is applicable.

  • To understand the effect of the model, noise, and system identification on the estimated model, that is, to understand the effects of the assumptions used to obtain a model estimate.


  • Typical model structures used in system identification: state-space, polynomial matrix, impulse response, and frequency domain models.

  • Model properties: controllability, observability, reachability, and linearity.

  • Requirements for the identifiability of a model, specifically, persistency.

  • Regression and least-squares analysis for linear-in-the-parameters models.

  • Consistency of estimated models and other useful statistical properties.

  • Parameter estimation methods such as instrumental variable methods.


i.d.R. Bearbeitung von Übungsaufgaben und Fachgespräch oder mündliche Prüfung

Dokumente (Skripte, Programme, Literatur, usw.)

  • C. T. Chen, “Linear System Theory and Design”, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

  • M. Verhaegen and V. Verdult, “Filtering and System Identification: A Least Squares Approach”, 1st ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

  • L. Ljung, “System Identification: Theory for the User”, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999.

  • R. Pintelon and J. Schoukens, “System Identification: A Frequency Domain Approach”, 1st ed. New York: Wiley-IEEE Press, 2001.

Lehrende: Matthew Hoelzel Verantwortlich: Matthew Hoelzel

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