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Industrial Economics

Wahl Basis Ergänzung
Zugeordnet zu Masterprofil
Sicherheit und Qualität
KI, Kognition, Robotik
Digitale Medien und Interaktion
Modulbereich : Mathematik und Theoretische Informatik
Modulteilbereich : (keine Angabe)
Anzahl der SWS
V UE K S Prak. Proj.
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Kreditpunkte : 6 Turnus

jährlich (SoSe)

Formale Voraussetzungen : Keine
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen : -
Vorgesehenes Semester : ab 1. Semester
Sprache : Englisch
Ziele :

Students will get familiar with the basic concepts in the field of industrial economics. These include some simple formal models. Moreover, they will learn to apply these concepts to explain empirically observed phenomena of industry development. Some behavioral aspects will be added to the discussion to gain a better understanding of the role of human cognition in industry evolution.

Inhalte :
  1. Introduction: The Origins of Industrial Economics
  2. An Industry’s Life Cycle I
  3. An Industry’s Life Cycle II
  4. The Role of Spinoffs in Industrial Evolution
  5. Case I: Intershop
  6. Replicator Dynamics, Diffusion, and Competition in Markets
  7. Competing Technologies, Path-Dependence, and Critical Mass Phenomena in Industries
  8. Case II: The Rigid Disk Drive Industry
  9. Organizational Ecology
  10. Some Motivational Aspects of Entrepreneurship
  11. Case III: The Baxter Boys
  12. Evolving Organizations and Industrial Dynamics: The Role of Routines
  13. The Spatial Dimension of Industrial Dynamics
  14. Corporate Cultures and Industry Evolution
  15. Firm-Size Distributions, Entry, and Turbulent Markets: Some Stylized Facts
  16. Industry Dynamics and Their Implication for Economic Policy
  17. Exam
Unterlagen (Skripte, Literatur, Programme usw.) :
  • Cordes, C., Richerson, P. J. and Schwesinger, G. (2010): “How Corporate Cultures Coevolve with the Business Environment: The Case of Firm Growth Crises and Industry Evolution”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, forthcoming.
  • Garvin, D. A. (1983): “Spin-Offs and the New Firm Formation Process”, California Management Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 3-20.
  • Klepper, S. (1997): “Industry Life Cycles”, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 145-181.
Form der Prüfung : Mögliche Prüfungsformen: Klausur (K), e-Klausur (e-K), Referat (R), Hausarbeit (H), Portfolio (Po) oder mündliche Prüfung (M) i.d.R. K/e-K/M/R/H/Portfolio
Präsenz 28
Vor- und Nachbereitung 70
Programmierung/Selbstlernstudium 56
Prüfungsvorbereitung 26
Summe 180 h
Lehrende: Prof. Dr. C. Cordes Verantwortlich Prof. Dr. C. Cordes

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